What is Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine?
Although Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) has only been under the analysis of the scientific method for a relatively short period of time, the diseases, symptoms or conditions for which acupuncture has been approved by the World Health Organization through controlled trials to be an effective treatment for is an impressive list including; adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, allergic rhinitis (including hay fever), biliary colic, depression, dysentery, dysmenorrhoea, epigastralgia, gastritis, facial pain, headache, hypertension, hypotension, induction of labour, knee pain, leukopenia, low back pain, malposition of fetus, morning sickness, nausea and vomiting, neck pain, TMJ, periarthritis of the shoulder, postoperative pain, renal colic, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, sprain, stroke and tennis elbow as well as a long list of conditions for which it has been shown to be empirically effective.
Yet TCM is much more than Acupuncture and actually encompasses eight disciplines of wellness including acupuncture, qi gong, food therapy, herbal medicine, meditation, massage, Feng Shui and astrology. It developed over thousands of years in a culture that pursued fulfilling human potential in all aspects imaginable. It is said that traditional doctors would also be masters of caligraphy, archery, martial arts, poetry and ritual. It would indeed take a lifetime to become proficient in all of these arts and most practitioners tend to focus more in some areas than others. A few of these disciplines that we use most in our practice are Acupuncture, Qi Gong, and Herbal Medicine.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points chosen through a detailed analysis of the patients history, current presentation of the pulse in light of medications and other relevant factors and observations of the patient utilizing all of the senses. These points are located along pathways or meridians that connect the internal organs with each other and with the periphery of the body in order to re-establish balance. From the view of western science it stimulates the peripheral nervous system which triggers a response from the central nervous system and brain which through a series of neurochemical reactions can effect blood flow to other parts of the body, hormonal balance and the health of the internal organs.
Qi Gong, literally working with the breath, or working with life, is the practice of cultivating health and wellness in the body through conscious breath and movement. In its deepest sense it is a path to Enlightenment that cultivates harmonious balance with yourself and nature, deepens your connection to Heaven and to Earth as a Human Being, and can enrich and support you in all aspects of your life. It is the foundational practice of almost all Martial as well as Healing Arts both in its internal and external applications. It calms the mind and enhances our ability to cope with stress by utilizing postural alignment in coordination with breath and movement while embracing a perspective of interconnectedness.
Chinese Herbal Medicine is a safe and effective alternative to pharmaceuticals in the management and treatment of many conditions. It is an incredibly precise combination of pharmaceutical grade full spectrum extracts in safe to use formulas available in both encapsulated and tea form and is often thought of as being a vital part of a proper diet to ensure good health and longevity.
Chinese Medicine is not simply about receiving an Acupuncture treatment or taking Herbs when you are sick, it is about utilizing a system of knowledge to keep yourself well. It is a wisdom tradition grounded in common sense of observing the human condition and the cycles of nature. When we correct our diet, lifestyle, mental states and behavior there is often little need for Medicine at all. These are tools and information to be utilized in order to bring and keep us in balance and harmony, with ourselves, each other, and society. When we are balanced within then we can truly serve our community and those around us to our fullest potential, this is the gift of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
What can I expect during a treatment?
After taking a detailed intake of your medical history and current health issues we use traditional pulse and tongue diagnosis to design a treatment plan for you grounded in the principles of Chinese Medicine and guided by intuition. During your treatment we may utilize a number of techniques including acupuncture, cranial sacral therapy, tui-na massage, medical qi gong, Far infrared heat lamps, electrostimulation, cupping, gua sha and moxibustion. We will also often make dietary recommendations, prescribe herbal formulas, and teach you qi gong techniques to help you keep yourself well.
Lucas accepts insurance for acupuncture patients. In order to best serve you we can verify your insurance benefits before you arrive. Please click on the Verify button below and complete the online form. We will contact you as soon as your coverage is confirmed. Please note that Grace is not currently taking appointments for insurance patients.